Wolf Boy Eros
No dms please! If you need to reach me, please make a ticket in my server.
Counterpart: Khihani ➜ https://khihani.gumroad.com/l/PhiloByKhihani
Every purchase is at the customers own risk, don't chargeback if your un-satisfied!
Pls only purchase when sure you want to buy. Any chargebacks that aren't fix will have appropriate action for TOS infringement.
↓↓ TOS, Import instructions & credits can be found at bottom of page ↓↓
↓↓ Eros x Philo couple video ↓↓
Promo video by: hei#6016
♡ Compatible with 2019.4.31f1
♡ No TDA, game rip assets, etc!
♡ GoGo locomotion basic setup!
♡ Fullbody Ready (FBT).
♡ 3.0 avatar.
♡ PC version
♡ SFW Quest + Opti
♡ 4 skin tones (light, tan, dark, darker)
♡ 2 clothing & hair colours (black, white)
♡ Bicep flex
♡ Throwjoint for your ADHD
♡ VrLabs marker
♡ Packages compatible with legacy unity ➜ need to use Raliv!
♡ Dissolve toggles (PC) | Blendshape toggles (Opti) | On/off toggles (Quest)
♡ Can upload Quest under same pipeline as PC
Pls be aware: not all PC menu features will be compatible with Quest
Photoshoot: hei#6016
• Jacket • Straps • Pants • Boots • Socks • Briefs
• Sniper Mask • Claw weapon • Ears • Tail • Hand chain • Beanie • Bandaid
• Ears twitch • Tail wag & twitch • Pec dance • VrLabs Marker • Eros to Philo hand chain • Philo to Eros choker chain • Heart throwjoint • Hairstyles (long & short)
• Base hue shift • Constant hue shift
• Hair colour (white & black) • Clothing (black & white) • Skin tone (light, tan, dark & darker)
• Vibin • Ascending • Crab Rave • Paws Claws • Twerk • Cute Dance • Infectious • Kick
Note: not everyone on the model is labelled, feel free to ask for more clarification if needed.
Photoshoot: hei#6016
Credits (hyperlinks on names):
Hat: Hayweee#1999 • Ears & tail: Sugs#9795 • Mask: Jaky#2488 • Top: Alces#5127 • Pants: Alces#512 • Shoes: Alces#5127 • Hair: Onion#1515 • Head: Pandaabear#9873 • Body: Pandaabear#9873 • Throwjoint: Cam#1959 • Long hair: Minichibi#0001 • Claw: ikkel Garde Blaase • Handchain & bandaid: berryvee#0697 • Marker: Vrlabs • Socks: B o o#8584 • Interactive chain: Corpse connecting loop shader • Raliv • Everything else made by me
Custom body texture work: LuckysRevenge#4444 ➜ not allowed for reuse for any purposes!
Photoshoot: hei#6016
Blend file available for download along with Poiyomi Toon, VRCSDK3 & avatar package.
Putting Package in Legacy Unity:
Step 1. Download unity 2019.4.31f1
Step 2. Make new unity project
Step 3. Put SDK 3 (provided) + Poiyomi shader (provided) first!
Step 4. (if you want V1_V3 prefab to work) ➜ Buy the package from Raliv
Step 5. Add the avatar package in last! (don't merge packages in one unity project)
Note: Make sure to lock all materials in the unity project before upload so the hue shifts work properly in game :)
Putting Packages in VCC (VrChat Creator Companion):
Step 1. Download & install VCC (can find it on VrChat login page's download section)
Step 2. Make new project
Step 3. Add Poiyomi shader (provided)
Step 4. (if you want V1_V3 prefab to work) ➜ Buy the package from Raliv
Step 5. Add the avatar package in last! (don't merge packages in one unity project)
Note: Make sure to lock all materials in the unity project before upload so the hue shifts work properly in game :)
Putting Quest in Legacy Unity:
Step 1. Download unity 2019.4.31f1
Step 2. Make new unity project
Step 3. Put SDK 3 (provided) first!
Step 4. Add the quest package in last! (don't merge packages in one unity project)
Putting Quest in VCC:
Step 1. Download & install VCC (can find it on VrChat login page's download section)
Step 2. Make new unity project
Step 3. Add the quest package in last! (don't merge packages in one unity project)
How to upload Quest once in Unity/VCC:
Step 1. Open scene up
Step 2. Upload under windows
Step 3. Change same project to android upload
Step 4. Under same pipeline upload under android
Rules of purchase (TOS):
• Do NOT refund, chargeback, re-sell, leak, trade, share or price split my models!
• Do NOT upload my model publicly on any VR game platform even if you've heavily edited it! Always keep uploads private.
• Do NOT take parts off the model or use any edited parts for personal or commercial usages! (You must use & purchase the ORIGINAL creator's product from their store to use outside my models)
• You may have assistance by someone else to upload, edit or convert the model for you in/for any VR game platform & VRM. ONLY if you & they have purchased the package!
• Buying for someone else? Pls let me know their name through discord, put their name in the VrChat & Discord name requirement or click gifting option on Gumroad ➜ see link on how to use gift option: (https://customers.gumroad.com/article/213-how-do-i-give-a-product-as-a-gift)
• I’m not held accountable for any loss of products or future game/program updates that may break it, nor am I accountable to fix all issues. Buy at your own risk & note that I'm not always obligated to re-send loss of products if you've been caught going against TOS!
• You may use the model for non-revenue content on any social media or to showcase your texture/asset work with credit to me. Pls don't gate keep my models or claim it as your own!
• You may use the model for revenue content such as Twitch or YouTube if you've purchased under "streaming license." (pls note that the license doesn't give you commercial access to the assets used, see credits on which assets you'll need to purchase beforehand to use the model for revenue content)
• If for any reason my TOS has been infringed in any way, I have full rights to revoke ones access & request for all media, platforms & uploads, possession of the products or depiction of the products to be taken down immediately!!!
• I may at any time & at our sole discretion, modify these terms of services/use. Including our privacy policy, with or without notice of the user. Any such modification will be effective immediately upon public posting. Your continued use of our service & this site following any such modification constitutes your acceptance of these modified terms.
PC + Opi & Quest Package Ready To Upload To VRChat // Notepad with Import Instructions // Shaders // VRCSDK3